[SunRescue] Should an editor require you to think?

amy rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Mar 9 00:17:26 CST 2001

Jonathan Eisch wrote: 
> I hear you.  I'm 17, and i've been using Sun boxes since I was 13.

young'in ;)

> I suppose someone is going to tell me I'm wrong about this, and I can't be a man > until I do everything with 20 year old equipment...  I can, but efficency says 
> not to.  That's my two cents on that.

*chuckle* no, no. you have it wrong. you can be a man and not drag home
every piece of decrepit ancient machinery that wanders past your house
in search of a good home. (and believe me, most future spouses would
probably agree ;)

> Like Aaron, I've found that many people seem to think tha there are all
> these kids out there who know sooo much about computers, but I only need
> to call my ISP  and they tell me that I should restart my computer and whe I
> get a new IP, it will be faster, and I say "So, the new IP will mae it
> fast?" they say "yeah.".....  need I say more..

i think the kids that most people refer to are the ones who are
malicious in their boredom. for example, about a year ago bill and i ran
across a box which had been infiltrated by a bunch of bored 15 year old
swedish kids who spent too much time believing in penguin power and
bugtraq. i spent about three hours chasing them across dalnet trying to
get them to understand "hi! my name's amy and i really want to rip your
balls off for touching my machines" in some strange swenglish dialect
courtesy of an 'online translator'.

those kids are the ones who set bad precedents. 

ultimately as far as equipment and software goes, it's a big case of
being not what you use, but how you use it that separates the chaff from
the grain. 


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