[SunRescue] What the He** are these cards...

Ken Hansen rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Mar 13 07:24:00 CST 2001

These are not, in any way that I can discern, Sun cards.

They are not SBUS cards - they have a lot of jacks though, 3 or 4 IDC
connectors of various sizes, 2x RJ-45 jacks, and what appears to be an ATX
power plug (like on an ATX motherboard).

These boards are aprox. 6" square.

Reusing them for their original purpose seems highly unlikely, any value
they may have *IMHO) would be based on thier parts, not the whole.


(Also, Verizon is having serious email problems, I have been without
reliable email for over 24 hours now...)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Hansen" <n2vip at bellatlantic.net>
To: <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 6:26 PM
Subject: [SunRescue] What the He** are these cards...

> Hello all,
> I have come into posession of 6 cards labeled PWB-I 0986-6023-___________
> (serial #).
> These cards have *no* value to me, but the parts may bi interesting to
> someone here, so I am offering them up to the first interested person to
> offer *actual* S/H costs.
> If I get no interest, I will see if anything grows if I plant them at the
> localland fill...
> The parts that would be of interest (I assume) are the socketed DIPs:
>     2x CY7C464-40PC    FIFO buffers    (CY7C464-40 Cypress 32K x 9 FIFO)
>     1x GAL22V10B    Some sort of programmable logic chip...
> Again, I have six boards, so that is 12 of the FIFO buffers, and 6x of the
> Programmable Logic chips.
> Shipping would run something close to $5-6 for the lot, I suspect...
> Thanks,
> Ken
> (respond off-list to n2vip at bellatlantic.net)
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