[SunRescue] OT: Seeking ancient modems

Old Stuff Discount Warehouse rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Mar 17 09:04:40 CST 2001

I wish I would have reviewed your email before I went to the surplus
store yesturday.  It was kind of a quick last minute decision after
work, However.  

I saw somw sort of Western Electric modem looking thing.  Unfortunetly,
It will be awhile before I go back , since it is iver an hour away.

I did find a Concord something or other at Goodwill locally.  Model is
242, or something similar.  No power supply, and it is pretty beat up. 
Sound interesting?

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

Will Jennings wrote:
> The discussion of some ooooolllddd modems reminded me of the fact that I'm
> looking for a few Bell/Western Electric 201/301 datasets, as well as an 801
> ACU or two. I have the interfaces to control these in my Interdata's, and
> desire to be able to least dial a BBS or something with my 70's
> minicomputers ;p
> Will J

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