[SunRescue] Re: Recommend starter Sun?

James Lockwood rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Mar 21 20:04:25 CST 2001

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Joshua D. Boyd wrote:

> Disapointingly, the dual proc. SS10 I have access to doesn't have a
> make that supports the j2 flag.  I also haven't been able to convince the

If you have Workshop/Forte/whatever installed you can use dmake:

     dmake - DistributedMake

     dmake [-c dmake_rcfile] [-g dmake_group] [-j dmake_max_jobs]
     [-o dmake_odir]

Otherwise GNU make will do what you are looking for, or other make tools
like Smake (by Joerg Schilling, not the SGI make).

> admin to install pthreads.  Still, I can surf the net while compiling at

You don't need any special permissions to setup and use userland


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