[SunRescue] Cray Alert (UK no less)

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Mar 22 13:18:49 CST 2001

On March 22, Chris Byrne wrote:
> They have one in Colorado for $5000 US, but you have to truck it in from
> Colorado.

  Ha...he just won that at a government auction for about $3000.

> For a while there were companies giving away Crays because it cost more in
> elextricty and storage space to turn them on, then  they earned the company.

  For older machines, yes...but lots of places are doing pretty well on
newer machines (like J90's) that are all CMOS and don't pull all that
much power.  Mine costs me about $200/mo in power to run.

         -Dave McGuire

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