[SunRescue] qfe on LX, Classic, or IPX?

Ken Hansen rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Mar 30 11:20:42 CST 2001

I do not know if the card will work, but if it does, are you sure the LX will be up to the load (or will this be a light load application, and you really just want the four Ethernet ports on one card)?

I would suspect it would work on an LX, as that is the "latest" on your list, and that box would also support Solaris 8 and gobble up to 128 Meg RAM (if you were so inclined) ;^)

I am about to assemble an LX as a utility server - print server for parallel postscript printer, modem for HylaFAX (sp?), and Pioneer 6x CD Changer.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Croteau [mailto:johnc at geekopolis.com]
> Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 12:03 PM
> To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Subject: [SunRescue] qfe on LX, Classic, or IPX?
> Anyone know if qfe boards, specifically 501-4302 (version 
> 1.0) will work
> on a LX, Classic, or IPX?  Plan is to build a ipfilter/ipnat 
> box with it.
> Thanks.
> ---
>   John T. Croteau, Professional Geek     mailto:johnc at geekopolis.com
>   Minneapolis, MN
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