[SunRescue] Missing files from burned images

Bill Bradford rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Mar 31 18:02:13 CST 2001

I have solaris 01/01 at home - it arrived the day before I left.

If you can wait till I get back, I'll upload.


On Sat, Mar 31, 2001 at 02:36:44PM -0800, Chris Byrne wrote:
> All,
> As I said I lost my Solaris 8 folder, and so I burned the images off the
> web, and the install I do with them is missing some things. Like most of my
> man pages for example. I have exactly one manpage, unzip.
> Does anyone happen to have both cd sets around so they can compare the two
> to see what's different?
> Chris Byrne
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Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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