[SunRescue] Sparc 10 upgading

mike dombrowski rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Mar 31 19:36:24 CST 2001

Once a certain somebody(cought #$john#$) gets me the shipping cost and 
I PayPal him money I'll have a SS10 SM51, 64mb ram, GX coming. I plan 
on running Solaris 2.6 on it; what kind of upgrades are most economical 
for these things now that the Blades have come out. Putting sm81s in it 
is not the most economical upgrade, but would another sm51/61/71 and 
adding another 64mb of ram be worthwhile? Or is my best choice just to 
save up for a long time and get a low end ultra or save even longer and 
go for the Blade 100?


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