[geeks] Re: [SunRescue] TCF?!

BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu May 3 11:17:38 CDT 2001

> So, what does one do with an AS400?

Not much.....

>  If I bought what, what could I get it
> to do other than sit there and look pretty?

Use it for parts.  I got mine specifically for that 9 track tape drive.
Alas, it turned out to be differential, and finding a differential
VAX interface for it turned out to be a lengthy ordeal.  But, it was
worth the 20 bucks for that capability, to me.  But, then, I would not
expect many of us still run 9 track reel outfits.  But, the whirr of
the vacuum pumps loading tape, is pure musick!

> Is it a cost effective way to
> get a database server?  Can the things be cheaply colo'ed?  I'm all for
> old hardware, but I never understood what the average person could do with
> an AS/400 (or why a company would want them unless the software they
> needed required one).

Junk it.  The sofware is unobtainium, and the things are power hungry

The cpu card looks interesting, with all its heat sinks, though, as
a paper weight.


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