[SunRescue] Re: [geeks] PPro Overdrive chips, anyone used them???
rescue at sunhelp.org
rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed May 9 13:49:25 CDT 2001
These are nice chips, however I've never seen them as low as 90$, and they
are picky about motherboards. If you look carefully you can find a 200mhz
ppro for 25$ or less with 512k. I belive the ppro overdrives run their
cache full speed, but wouldn't care to bet on it. Pick up a nice
tbird-1ghz if you're looking in that range..
(BTW, the ppro overdrives support dual, but NOT quad)
On Wed, 9 May 2001, Ken Hansen wrote:
> Many on these lists indicated they were fond of the PPro processor, so I pose the following for feedback...
> At TCF there was a vendor with 333 MHz PPro Overdrive chips for about $80, and I think I've seen them for about $90 on the Internet, any one log any real time with one of these chips?
> IIRC, these are PII CPUs with 512K cache, not sure of cache speed though...
> Maybe I should have gotten one of those chips instead of going SMP PPro @ 200 MHz (the cost to upgrade will be about $70 - $40 for the VRM, $18 for the CPU, and $10 for the PPro fan)... But hey, the PPro Overdrive chips can't do SMP, IIRC...
> Anyone have any thoughts on this?
> Ken
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