[SunRescue] help a guy run 2.6 on his 670MP

Joshua D. Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed May 16 14:52:51 CDT 2001

VIS instruction set?  Is that like MMX?  If so, it shouldn't be too hard
to add support under NetBSD, should it?  Or does NetBSD only run in 32bit
mode and VIS in 64bit mode?

Joshua Boyd

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Dave McGuire wrote:

>   I went back to NetBSD and have been happy ever since.  Though
> currently I'm developing an application under Solaris7 because I
> wanted to make use of the Ultrasparc's VIS instruction set.  While
> it's nowhere near as "clean" as a nice modern NetBSD load, I'm
> impressed with Solaris7 so far.  And that's a lot coming from a
> long-time Solaris hater like me.

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