DNS Security (was: RE: [SunRescue] hosts file And DNS files??)

Sebastian Marius Kirsch rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon May 28 18:14:48 CDT 2001

On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 05:21:42PM -0400, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> I think your fudging things a lot there.  Can axfr-get get a zone from
> a text file?  I've never heard that it can.....

No. Why would you want to? axfr-get can get you the zone data in the
required format. What else do you want?

> djb is scared of writing a real parser (can't say that I'm not either,
> but he sure seems to be as shown by the software he has written!),

Who wouldn't be, especially if you can easily define a format that
doesn't need a real parser? If you cannot avoid it, or you are doing it
for fun (hey, I'm also studying computational linguistics!), it's OK, I
guess, but in all other cases it's unnecessary complexity.

> Of course it's not very hard to use a tool such as awk (with it's
> inate ability to build simple finite state machines) to parse even the
> continuation records.

Again, why would you want to, when you can use a much simpler solution?

> Or are you simply not reading the fine manual?

I was not. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. And from the scripts I see at
work (homebrew) and on the other systems I have access to (NetBSD,
Solaris, Debian Linux (Irix uses proclaim, not the ISC dhcpd)), nobody
else does, either. But you can be sure what I'll do first thing tomorrow
when I get to work, thanks very much.

Yours, Sebastian Kirsch <skirsch at moebius.inka.de>

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