[rescue] Free Stuff

Steve Hatle rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 5 08:51:00 CST 2001

I haven't heard back one my private message to Zach on this (not a dig, 
Zach- it's still way early on a Monday), but if he can't or chooses not 
to, would any of you Marylanders be willing to snag the following and 
ship it to me in Mpls? I'll cover shipping and "handling" in cash, 
prizes, or other agreed methods <grin>

I don't know Maryland, so if this is a haul to pick up, don't worry 
about it.


On Saturday, November 3, 2001, at 04:49 PM, Zach Malone wrote:

> Hey Everyone,
>     I have the following items currently gathering dust, if anyone is
> interested in any of these, they are yours.

>     Newer MicroDock SCSI (Duodock adapter)
>     1 Absolute Powerbook Duo battery
>     Powerbook Duo 230 (Believed damaged)
> Free to anyone who wishes to pick this stuff up from Rockville Maryland.
>     Zach Malone

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