[rescue] Cheap PCI Fibre Channel?

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 5 14:34:47 CST 2001

Wait, you can use them as GIG-E addaptors?  HOW!?!?!?  They use the same
signaling, but wouldn't that require a funky as hell card?

On Mon, 5 Nov 2001, Derrick Daugherty wrote:

> It's rumored that around Mon, Nov 05, 2001 at 09:48:19AM -0600
> Bruce Pullig <bpullig at Houston.GeoQuest.SLB.COM> wrote:
> > Oh shoot!  Those would have been sweet!  I can't believe they went for so 
> > low.
> > 
> > At 06:22 PM 11/4/2001, you wrote:
> > >Browsing on Ebay I found:
> > >http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-
> > >cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1291635773
> > >
> > >Anybody know anything about this card? It would be perfect for
> > >connecting to a box of disks right? I'm gonna research a bit more
> > >and then possibly bid, please don't outbid "notp" if I'm on there.
> Those do look like decent cards..since there were five and no one bid
> and there were 20 seconds left I bought one.  It says it uses the
> tachyon chipset..which is what JNI/Jaycor and emulex etc use.  You can
> also use these as basically a gigE adapter.  For 25 bucks you can not
> beat that.  The guy doesn't have a website but I bet he'll re-post them.
> OR if you guys are interested there are four left and I can see if I can
> change the quantity.
> ^D
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