[rescue] Well, here are the promised images...

Ken Hansen rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Nov 8 13:04:55 CST 2001

I am home today with my son (school is closed, teachers union having a
conference in Atlantic City!), so I grabbed my Elph digital camera, snapped
a few quick shots, and dropped them on my SS/5-170.

The link is http://n2vip.dyndns.org/~ken/office.html - but beware, these are
hanging off my DSL line, 128Kb/sec, and are *big* (600K+)...

The room is in rough shape, and sheer sloth let it get to this point...

If you can't get them, let me know, and I'll put them someplace with better

Enjoy (and be kind ;^),


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