[rescue] Real cheap U30s

Bill Bradford rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Nov 10 22:38:23 CST 2001

On Sat, Nov 10, 2001 at 11:11:16PM -0500, Mike Dombrowski wrote:
> Real cheap U30s. Elite Graphics, cdrom, SunPCI. Just goes to 
> show how much the bottom has really fallen out on Sun hardware.
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-
> cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1295986538


1.  Thats a picture of an Ultra 10.  I've owned a 5, a 10, a 30, a 60 -
    and that is definitely an U10.  Look at the cdrom - thats a cheap PC
    IDE Goldstar CDROM that sun shipped.

2.  300Mhz Ultrasparc II*i* CPU, with 1M L2 cache?  They dont make such a 

3.  *ONBOARD* Elite3D graphics?  No such thing.  U30s dont have "onboard"
    graphics at all; its a UPA card.  U10 onboard graphics are PGX8 or

4.  24X CDROM?  U30s didnt ship with a 24X scsi cdrom.  U10s shipped with a
    24X IDE CDROM tho.

5.  40lbs for system *and* country kit?  I'd say a loaded-up U30 weighs more
    than that.

I think this guy has some U10s and doesent really know what he's selling.
Also, it says "Solaris 8 preinstalled" - Unless he's doing this himself,
U30s didnt come with Solaris8.  More than once he says UltraSPARC IIi -
The U30s have UltraSPARC IIs.  Only the U5/U10/AXe/AXi have IIis.

Again, I'm pretty sure this guy has a bunch of U10s, *NOT* U30s.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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