Junkyard wars was [rescue] Sun Ray Thoughts?

Stephen Dowdy rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 12 10:22:41 CST 2001

> You can tell just by watching the show that materials are planted.  They
> find stuff in matching sets!  Like when they built those pulling
> tractors.  Good show, but I haven't seen it lately.
> Chad Fernandez
> Michigan, USA

My 5 year-old son is really into monster trucks (He can kick my butt on
Monster Truck Madness when we play across the home network :-( )

I recorded the Monster Truck Junkyard Wars for him... that thing was
totally seeded.  They even acknowledged it by saying that the Monster
Truck tires one team found were actually "on loan" and were valued at
$20,000 (probably from the BigFoot team, since Bob Chandler, creator of
bigfoot was judging, and his master mechanic was the expert assistant on
one team)

I'm also not sure that they adhered to the 10 hour time limit, as near the
end one team was just getting in a replacement transmission and seemed to
have several other unattended issues.  Can't imagine that they succeeded
within the alloted time -- i suspect a little extra "offline" time was
given as it would have been a pretty sucky show if neither team had a
working truck! (10 hours seems like a pretty small timeframe to build a
monster truck!)

Anyway, it's still fun to watch the shows, even if they aren't technically

Stephen Dowdy - Systems Administrator - CS Dept - Univ of Colorado at Boulder
dowdy at cs.colorado.edu  --  http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~dowdy/signature.html

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