[rescue] point of pride in SGI R10k vs. 1Ghz x86...

Patrick Giagnocavo rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 12 23:03:58 CST 2001

Dave McGuire wrote:
>   Gimp (and stuff like it) won't use the graphics hardware at all in
> this case, dudage.  It's raw R10K testicles.
>   I wonder, Patrick...in this case, was gimp compiled to take full
> advantage of the R10K processor, with a decent-for-MIPS-arch
> (i.e. SGI's, not GCC) compiler?  If not, it's likely that it could do
> even better.
>      -Dave

Hi Dave ,

I grabbed the binary version of Gimp 1.2 from freeware.sgi.com .  My
guess is that it was SGI's compiler.

I think the 1MB of cache doesn't hurt, along with the higher FLOPs you

Note that the SGI's use slower 60ns 72pin SIMMs, while the Athlon has
266DDR or whatever it is called.  

So memory latency could be higher, yet the SGI still done good.


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