[rescue] point of pride in SGI R10k vs. 1Ghz x86...

Joshua D Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Nov 13 15:34:57 CST 2001

On Tue, Nov 13, 2001 at 11:32:36AM -0800, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> On Tue, 2001-11-13 at 11:04, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> > Really, I thought compiling the gimp was so much easier on irix (6.2) than 
> > it was on any version of linux I've used it on.  I literally just did 
> > ./configure --path=~ && make && make install, and it went without any 
> > hicups.  Err, the --path bit was because I didn't have root access to the 
> > machine.  You would think that SGI was the native development environment 
> > from how easy it was.
> SGI is good to GNOME and GTK+ apps.  I get patches from @sgi.com emails
> every time we break something so that it doesn't compile anymore.  I'm
> always amazed at the trouble people have with compiling "stable" GNOME
> apps.  I can usually even get very alpha things to compile on my Red Hat
> boxen, and sometimes I even bother to try Solaris.

Yes, it amazes me too.  Plain GTK programs are usually a snap, but GNOME 
can be a major pain.  At this moment, at least g-wrap, gnumeric, gnucash, 
gnome-vfs, gnome-media, and a few others are refusing to compile.  Most of 
the problems currently trace back to either problems with guile (which is 
really frustrating since I'm helpless to debug them at this point 
skillwise), or problems with ESD.  The ESD problems seem a bit more 
manageable.  I think they stem from my installing, but disabling ESD (I 
just don't want to use it).  All the programs that fail to compile because 
of ESD, to my memory they run fine without it, but still.

Oh, this is on a debian box that had xfree and fvwm installed from .debs, 
and the rest of the gui stuff is coming from source installs.

Joshua D. Boyd

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