St. Pete (was RE: [rescue] Sun Ray Thoughts?)

James Lockwood rescue at
Tue Nov 13 16:46:45 CST 2001

On Tue, 13 Nov 2001, Kurt Huhn wrote:

> How the hell did that get passed?!!??!

In the name of "protecting" consumers, how else?

> What, praytell, is the reasoning behind it?  I do *not* allow other people
> to pump my gas - ever (it's a don't-touch-my-car thing).

The _interesting_ bit is filling up a motorcycle at a service station in
Oregon (can't speak for NJ).

Every time I've done it, I've pulled in front of the pump, gone in to the
cashier, paid my money, came out and had the attendent pick up the
pump handle and hand it to me.

Guess they were paranoid of "touch my bike and die" types.


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