[rescue] FS: SS10

Michael Dombrowski rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Nov 16 21:59:52 CST 2001

With the arrival of a new U1 it's time to part with my SS10. Specs 
are as follows:

1x SM51
1x SM41
GX Video
4gb 7200rpm Disk
32mb ram*

It actually has 2x 32mb DIMMs but due to it's older PROM it only 
sees 32mb. If you wish I can scrounge around and maybe try to 
get it to "real" 64mb. Also, case it missing some SBUS slot covers 
and back screw is broken. None of these problems really affect the 
operation of the machine, it's just less beautiful. Please make an 
offer if you're interested.


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