[rescue] Pathetic TV shows and computers?

Mike Hebel rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 19 09:27:18 CST 2001

FJ> I had a customer once that watched way too many movies like this. He wanted
FJ> 2 really big light-up signs in his "Operations Command  Center" (what we
FJ> would call a systems room or something). The sign was to be neon or
FJ> flourescent and display "WAN Normal" in green when his two T1's were up, and
FJ> switch to display (in red) "WAN Failure" if a T dropped, and ring a bell. I
FJ> had a polite talk with him, but couldn't discourage him. I finally lied and
FJ> said it was technically impossible to get a CSU to provide a relay closure
FJ> on failure. The sick part was this guy was very well paid, in a position of
FJ> authority, and worked for a major bank in the Harrisburg, PA area. This
FJ> wasn't the only fsck'd-up thing he was known to do, either.

No worse than people who run this package:

Do you know what this sounds like when it's running full blast?  I can
only wonder what kind of overhead this causes on a large network.

As for TV shows and movies I'm kind of like seeing things that I know
are fake - it gives me a slight sense of BOFHish ness. *grin*

Although I would have to admit that I would occasionally like to find
a "real" app like some of the ones used in TV and movies.  The e-mail decoder
in The Saint for example would be kind of cool to have.  Another would
be the hand gesture interface on the shuttles in Earth: Final

Mike                         mailto:nimitz at owc.net



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