[rescue] A good memory vendor...
Loomis, Rip
rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Nov 20 12:24:41 CST 2001
...at least from sample size of one, is Kahlon.com.
A few weeks back, someone posted a price of $13 for
parity FPM 32MB SIMMs from Coast-to-Coast memory.
I finally got around to pricing out some of those and
some other memory this past week, and decided to
buy from Kahlon.com instead. I ended up paying
$10/stick for the 32MB parity SIMMs, plus a reasonable
price for some 128MB PC100 DIMMs, with a total
shipping charge of $5.00.
The memory showed up FedEx today, well packed
and quickly shipped. Looks to be fairly generic, either
new or well-cleaned, with Kahlon stickers on everything
for their lifetime warranty. Memory works great ,and I
figure that when all is said and done I saved about $20
over the same order from Coast-to-Coast. It looks as
though they've dropped the special on FPM parity memory,
but their shipping is still cheaper than most anyone
else on Pricewatch.
Recommended in my book. Anyone else ever buy from
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