[rescue] JetDirect card -- EEPROM

Larry Snyder rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Nov 23 17:25:52 CST 2001

...and it gets better:
The card for a LJ3 is a C2071.  The C2071S supports TCP/IP.  It does not,
however, appear to support lpr.  When I played with one of these at work
ages ago, I seem to remember having to set up HPNP stuff on my SS2.
I think it talks on port 9100 or some such.  I bit the bullet and bought
a Hawking cheapie at Dalco (they're almost literally in my back yard).
The LJ is waiting on gears, but the little Hawking 7117 works just fine
plugged into an old Panachronic dot-matrix.  Once I get the exit gears
for the LJ I'll let you know how it flies.

Paul Sladen <sun-rescue at paul.sladen.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Larry Snyder wrote:
> > I'd like to retire the 486 redhat box that's been playing printserver
> > for quite a few years here at home.  I'm poking around for a 10bT
> > jet-direct card for a Series III.  Anybody got one they'd part with
> > cheap?  Please reply off-list.
> [intentionally replied on-list].  I have *three* JetDirect cards for
> LJ-II/III.  The problem is that they all have the Novell Fireware/PROM on
> them.  However, AFAIK, they can be swapped for a TCP/IP aware JetDirect PROM
> if anyone can get ahold of one of these and burn some copies for the
> masses... then freebie /cards/ are available.
> 	-Paul
> PS.  Clause:  I'd really like to come out with a working one in the end for
> myself, and retire the W3.11 print-server at home... The Sparc<->Serial
> @19200 doesn't really live up to what the PeeCee Parallel interface can
> manage--*10* minutes to download the bitmap to the printer after GhostScript
> has munged it...!
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