[rescue] WTB: FH 5.25" SCSI-1 enclosure

Michael C. Vergallen rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Nov 24 23:38:50 CST 2001

Say Bill,

Could you not just replace the fans with quite ones. I did this on a
couple of SUN power-suplies who had defective fans. I'ts just going to 
a electronic's  store and obtaining the right size of a fan.

Michael Vergallen			Tel : 32-9-2227764
Sportstraat 28				Fax : 32-9-2224976
9000 Gent				http://www.double-barrel.be
Belgium					ftp://ftp.double-barrel.be

On Sat, 24 Nov 2001, Bill Bradford wrote:

> I've got an old DEC 2.6G DLT (TK85) here in the original DEC enclosure -
> unfortunately, the fans in this enclosure are LOUDER than the big SunBlade
> 1000 sitting next to it!  Its louder than my air conditioner in here..
> Anybody got a relatively quiet DLT enlcosure they'll let go cheap?
> Hrm, wonder if its okay for me to just turn off this drive when I'm not
> using it (its the only thing on the external scsi bus).
> Bill
> -- 
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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