[rescue] Was what to do with DEC Professional 350....now us young "grey-beard's"

BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Oct 8 11:20:42 CDT 2001

> > > the PeeCee types pass up.....(:+}}...  I guess that makes
> > > me a bottom feeder.... where the Sun/VAXenheavysortofiron
> > > settles to.
> Hey I'd go to the same place as well.  So anyone know of anyone looking
> for future "grey-beards"...:-) the startup I'm working at is having
> serious indigestion... I face losing all my nifty junk... plus my new
> stuff :-S (Car, etc.)  I'm in the NY area.
> I really would love a job around big Sun or especially IBM iron. (From a
> guy who has tons of z-series posters all over his office and
> bedroom...especially those cute ones with penguins)
> The above is kind of why I was asking here... since while I could continue
> around the NT types... and Win2k... it really is extremely boring.
> Andrew -25yr old GBIT (grey beard in training)

Well, around  here in the past several months, things have gotten rather
tight.  I am due to retire in Dec., so will be looking myself.  There used
to be 50 UNIX jobs a week on the jobmongers, around here, but now that is
almost nil.

Time to tighten the belt, some I gues... although I hear soldiering related
things may become better in the shortterm.....(:+\\....

I could stand around on the corners with a tin cup marked ''UNIX or BUST!''


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