[rescue] Linux/Sparc

BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Oct 12 14:31:51 CDT 2001

> > I did, and it was a no-go.  Which slackware are we talking about,
> > and what were the particulars of getting it up on which hardware.
> Slacware for Sparc (was it Slack 7 maybe?)

Yeah, I am just downloading the Slack 8 suite and the Suse 7.1 suite,
for some testing this weekend.  Maybe some of the rough edges I ran
into have been smoothed out.  I want to try it on my lunchboxes.

> > (I usually swear by OpenBSD on sparcs as my first choice... it just always
> >  seems to lock and load.)
> No DBRI sound support though correct?

Not sure.  I don't run any sound based things, so I have never paid
any particular attention to it.  Sound on a UNIX Box?  Lurch! (:+}}...


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