[rescue] Re: [geeks] Sun-HOWTO

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Oct 16 19:54:33 CDT 2001

David Venable wrote:
> The Sun Howto would be awesome! The people on this list are so knowledgeable
> that it is intimidating. I reading the posts I have learned a great deal
> about old Sparcs. However I am just scracthing the surface.
> Not wanting to look like a PC Dork (I am). I have hesitated to ask the
> question that is really bothering me. Here goes................
> I have 2 SS2s, + a parts unit, I managed to get to get DHCP (Cisco 675) to
> assign an IP to them, however I do not have a clue of how to proceed from
> here. There seems to be to ways to go on, TFTP, or NFS. After getting its
> address the install asks for the FTP server. Where do I go from here? Does
> the the FTP server have to be local? What about HTTP? Thats another choice
> onn the  Red Hat menu. The Red Hat floppie is the only one that will work.

I've only had a little experience with RedHurt... ahhh Hat... but the
ftp install was smooth. I put the CD into a machine with a CD and an ftp
server. When the floppy install asked me for the ftp server, I gave it
the name of my local server with my account info. After I remembered to
mount the CD it worked great. ;) I seem to remember that you can, if you
have the bandwidth, install from a RedHat server, too.

On my SS2, I found the easiest thing was to get a SCSI CD from eBay for
$15 and use it for an install. I have since gotten an external case and
a cable for it, and I can use it on all the old, excuse me, mature
workstations I have...

As far as SPARC hardware, I'm only a *recovering* PC dork. ;)

> I read somewhere that the TFTP protocal has instructions with it. Would it
> be best to set up RH on a PC and get the TFTP server going?
> Thanks to all..........
> David
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rescue-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:rescue-admin at sunhelp.org]On
> Behalf Of Bill Bradford
> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 5:49 PM
> To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Subject: Re: [rescue] Re: [geeks] Sun-HOWTO
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 07:11:20PM -0400, Ken Hansen wrote:
> > Bill, What happened to "This Old Sun"? Wan't that what we were going to do
> > there...
> > Ken
> I didnt say where we would put this, once it was done.. 8-)
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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Steve Sandau
ssandau at bath.tmac.com

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