[rescue] Bind9

Kevin Loch rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Oct 22 09:58:01 CDT 2001

Let's see... I'm running 9.1.3 on FreeBSD 4.3.  I don't remember
having any problems compiling it.  I don't have any idea what
the 'key' message is about, I have never seen it.

I diddn't have to do anything to may named.conf or zone files
migrating from 8 -> 9.  I think 9 does force you to have
everything correct before it will serve the zone but that's
a good thing.  I had already eliminated all the warning messages
from my zones in bind8 so it was just plug-and-play.
I've got a real simple config too, no fancy features or
A6 or dnssec options.

What version did you try to use?


Here's a script I use to auto-generate a named.conf file.
It reads file "zones" with one zone per line.  Let me know
if you want the 'slave' version.


rm -f ${conf}

echo "logging {" >>${conf}
echo "  channel query_file { " >>${conf}
echo "    file \"/var/log/named.log\" versions 9 size 20m;" >>${conf}
echo "    print-time yes;" >>${conf}
echo "  };" >>${conf}
echo "  category queries { query_file; };" >>${conf}
echo "};" >>${conf}
echo >>${conf}

echo "options {" >>${conf}
echo "  directory \"/etc/namedb\";">>${conf}
echo "};">>${conf}
echo >>${conf}

for z in `cat ${zonefile}`
  if [ `echo ${z} | grep -c ARPA` -ne 0 ]
    o1=`echo ${z} | cut -f 3 -d "."`
    o2=`echo ${z} | cut -f 2 -d "."`
    o3=`echo ${z} | cut -f 1 -d "."`
    echo "zone \"${z}\" {" >>${conf}
    echo "      type master;" >>${conf}
    echo "      file \"${o1}.${o2}.${o3}.rev\";" >>${conf}
    echo "};"  >>${conf}
    echo >>${conf}
  elif [ "${z}" = "." ] 
    echo "zone \"${z}\" {" >>${conf}
    echo "      type master;" >>${conf}
    echo "      file \"${z}.zone\";" >>${conf}
    echo "};" >>${conf}
    echo >>${conf}

echo "zone \".\" {" >>${conf}
echo "  type hint;" >>${conf}
echo "  file \"named.root\";" >>${conf}
echo "};" >>${conf}

Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 10:38:49AM -0400, Kevin Loch wrote:
> > Btw, I highly recommend everyone use Bind9 instead of Bind4/8/the one
> > in Solaris.
> EWW.
> I *still* dont consider bind9 to be "production quality" for the following
> reasons:
> 1.  No 'ndc'
> 2.  Last time I tried to install it, it kept bitching about no
>     key generated , etc - and there was no clear info in the documentation
>     on *how* to do it
> 3.  Certainly not "drop-in" upgrade from BIND8.
> I just compile the latest BIND8 variant on all my boxes.  If anybody has
> suggestions on how to *easily* upgrade to BIND9 properly, please let me
> know (and I'm not a "bind newbie" by any means - i've been setting it up
>  and doing DNS at large ISPs and companies for *years*..)

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