[rescue] xyplex

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Oct 24 07:50:59 CDT 2001

Hello all,


Which Xyplex are you trying to get running? I picked up a Maxserver 1600
from Mr. Nicewonger yesterday, and could use some advice getting it
running. Will it take an arbitrarily sized flash card? I've got these
20Mb ones here, and if they'll work I'd like to use them. Also, do I
*need* to put SIMMs in the slots inside, or will it run without them? I
just bid on some 1M 30-pin simms on e-bay (Mike told me he'd just thrown
the 1M ones away).

If it'll read the 20M flash card, maybe I could send you two, you keep
one and put the software on the other and send it back? I grabbed the
software from Mr. Sharp (thanks!), but don't have any way to write it to
a flash card to test it. Unless I can get someone with a laptop to do
it. But how is the card formatted?



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