[rescue] Anyone interested in SunOS 4.1.2 manuals?

David Rouse rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Sep 14 13:12:42 CDT 2001

On Friday, September 14, 2001, at 12:41  PM, BSD Bob the old greybeard 
BSD freak wrote:

>> We've got about 150 pounds worth of bound SunOS 4.1.2 manuals that we
>> need to get rid of -- the set includes system admin, release notes and
>> programming guides. It would be nice if someone in NC would take an
>> interest, or someone willing to payy shipping costs (heavy, heavy
>> paper). All that said, I'd hate to chunk this stuff, it would be nice 
>> if
>> I could find it a good home.
> Someone in NC would like them.....(:+}}...
> I'm in Raleigh, where are you?

Goldsboro ... between you and the beach (home of Seymour Johnson Air 
Force Base!). But I'm up around Durham quite a bit. If you can't get 
over to us I can load the stuff up in the truck the next time I'm headed 
to Durham.

David Rouse

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