[rescue] New worm?

Sheldon T. Hall rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Sep 19 23:23:15 CDT 2001

In Message: 12 To: rescue at sunhelp.org Steve Pacenka
<spacenka at mindspring.com> wrote on the subject of Re: [rescue] New worm?

> I have an obscure server visited more by indexing bots than anything else.
> Now it generates a megabyte per day of error and access logs due to the
> of the day looking for IISes to infect.

> So what OS and httpd servers should you run if you want to evade the
> virii, and rootkit intruders?  Is there a case for security through
> Rare OS  + rare WWW server = unattractive to the intruders?

There are some truly rare httpds out there ... one pretty good one is
implemented as a Bourne shell script and can be found at
http://math.ucr.edu:8889/software.  I wrote a trivial one as a joke (4 or 5
lines of Bourne) before I saw Chris Ulrich's, and I make no brief for my
Bourne shell scripting abilities....


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