[rescue] NPI FDDI Drivers

Michael S. Schiller rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Sep 24 04:35:21 CDT 2001

I have a couple of these FDDI cards, and I tried getting them to work in an LX
running 2.6 with no luck. I also have an FDDI/S 2.0 card (with it's software)
which according to Sun doesn't work past 2.5, but after loading the software,
the card is working just fine with 2.6! Anyone know of any reason NOT to use
the earlier 2.0 card if the drivers seem to work? (is it slow, etc). Thanks.


Brian Hechinger wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 11:35:12PM -0400, legodude at hammycorp.com wrote:
> > Now that NPI's web site has gone to hell I can't find the drivers for
> > my 370-2238. I also think they have drivers for my SBUS FDDI 5.0
> > which doesn't seem to work with the FDDI package on Sun's site.
> > Anybody got this squirreled away somewhere? Also, shouldn't
> let me check when i get home, but i think i still have my copy for Solaris 8
> laying around yet.
> -brian
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