[rescue] wrong list?

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Tue Apr 2 19:20:16 CST 2002

I know I shouldn't feed the trolls but looks like you're going to
get "burned" again Greg.


Oh for the sake of The Goddess!  Put a sock in it Greg!  Not everyone
does things _your_ way and not everyone _will_ do things your way!

This is BILL'S LIST!!!  HIS!  Helloo!  His!  Just let him manage it
like he wants to!  You are a FREELOADER afaik - like me, you enjoy
this list for FREE.  If you want to have even a remote chance of
controlling any of it offer Bill millions of dollars to buy it from
him and then control it _IF_ he sells it to you.


Bill:  AFAIK you and Amy are doing a _great_ job here.  You put up
with so much cr at p that would have caused me to put a fist through my
monitor.  I'm amazed you haven't sold the list by now just for
reduced stress reasons.

And yes, I know I'm only contributing to the problem at hand and IHBT
(I Have Been Trolled) but I am _so_ sick of hearing people with
attitudes like Greg's that I just can't stand it any more.

I'll shut up now.

Mike Hebel            nimitz at owc.net

GAW> [ On Tuesday, April 2, 2002 at 15:23:31 (-0600), Bill Bradford wrote: ]
>> Subject: Re: [rescue] wrong list?
>> On Tue, Apr 02, 2002 at 04:15:47PM -0500, Greg A. Woods wrote:
>> > > It also pretty much *kills* the "community-ness" of this list.
>> > I must say you seem to have an extremely strange idea of "community"....
>> How about I just shut it completely down?  Would THAT make everyone
>> happy?  I cant seem to please one side or the other.  Might as well give up.

GAW> no, no, of course not!

GAW> It's just that you are kind of out here on your lonesome w.r.t. this
GAW> reply-to stuff.  Very few lists I know of do that any more, for the very
GAW> reasons that are being complained about.

GAW> A managed community does need some kind of mechanism to keep it from
GAW> straying away from what makes it a community in the first place.
GAW> Traditionally in mailing list forums this has been peer pressure and/or
GAW> forced manual moderation.  It doesn't seem peer pressure works very well
GAW> on this list (even when it's you applying the pressure), and IIRC you've
GAW> said before that manual moderation isn't in the cards for this list....

GAW> (of course all the other lists I'm on suffer from the "reply-all"
GAW> syndrome, though personally I deal with that by setting the reply-to as
GAW> appropriate myself and I usually only get "burned" when I try to suggest
GAW> all followups to my post should be private but not everyone plays along....)

Mike Hebel                        mailto:nimitz at owc.net

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