[rescue] Heavy Metal (was: Cooling)

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Apr 16 10:20:34 CDT 2002

> >Dave McGuire                                 "Mmmm.  Big."
> >St. Petersburg, FL                                -Den
> 						^^^^^^^^^^
> That doesn't go well with this topic, especially if Den happens to be 
> male.  Is there something you want to tell us Dave?

Oh my.  Someone needs to go rent Heavy Metal on video

as a quick primer (two best hits from Google, although neither
does the movie justice).

I was *just* thinking how _appropriate_ Den's quote was to
Dave wanting to boink someone on his kitchen table.  The
fact that Den's voice was John Candy makes it all the funnier.

  --Rip (who used to have the soundtrack of Heavy Metal on
	cassette in his car as one of the five "essential glovebox
	tapes" in case of sudden high school road trips...)

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