[rescue] Cooling (Long Message, sorry)

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Tue Apr 16 15:30:10 CDT 2002

On April 16, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> >   Eagles are 10.5", not 14...but damn,
> Old habits die hard -- the original Fujitsu drive was 14", but as you
> say the Eagle's platters were indeed only 10.5"

  Indeed, I think the Eagles (2351 and 2361) were the only CDC drives
to have 10.5" platters...8, 9, and 14" seemed much more common.

  My favorite non-operationally-related thing about Eagles is how much
the HDA resembles the engine of a volkswagen when you remove the
drive cover. :)

> Life, the universe, and everything!  ;-)
> (New SO, mostly, though much of the big gear was gone and replaced by
> faster smaller less hungry gear, and the really important gear had been
> moved to a colo....  He did keep a small office in the same building for
> a while, but )

  Such a shame... :-/  I'd love to find a deal like that.


Dave McGuire                                 "Mmmm.  Big."
St. Petersburg, FL                                -Den

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