[rescue] Anyone want a 670MP?

George Adkins george at webbastard.org
Fri Apr 19 13:21:00 CDT 2002

On Friday 19 April 2002 01:53 pm, you wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, David Rouse wrote:
> > We've just got in a Sun Fire V100 to replace our ten-year-old (?) Sun
> > 670 MP. Please no flames about SCSI v. IDE -- my low-rpm ide laptop
> > outperforms this thing.
> Um, if it's not gone, I'd like to put in a bid for someone else.
> George Adkins.  I got one he was very interested in, and he's down
> in your area...  And it would be nice if he got one, since he not
> only offered to pick it up, but offered me some of his homemade
> mead.
While this is very nice, I must decline at the moment.  I've yet to get the 
three current projects I have on my two back-burners finished.  I sadly fear 
that if I took possession of this machine now, it would go completely unused 
for at least the next year.  Please, someone else give it a home.

And the offer of the mead is still good if you ever get down this way...
I've got a batch brewing right now.


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