[rescue] Video encoding

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Wed Apr 24 15:47:30 CDT 2002

On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 04:16:21PM -0400, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> > Just stick to an O2 or Mac for your task.
> Agreed.  If there's money issues, go with an A/V mac and stick in a
> couple large/fast hard drives - otherwise an O2 would be my personal
> choice (with a couple large/fast hard drives).

In theory uncompressed capture should be possible on the 840av.  In reality,
you can capture segments as large as your memory size uncompressed.  In
theory, you can stripe ATTO cards (FWDiff) to get 40MB/s.  No one has been
able to confirm if the drivers support doing this.  Further, I haven't seen
a definative answer to whether NuBus can support that much bandwidth.  I 
believe it is cutting it close to theoretical limits that don't take overhead
into account. I don't want to spend that much money on something unconfirmed
at this time.  I am far less familiar with the capabilities of the build in
capture on the PCI AV macs, like my 6500.

Joshua D. Boyd

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