[rescue] Movin' on up (long)

Brian Hechinger wonko at arkham.ws
Thu Apr 25 01:34:30 CDT 2002

On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 11:09:43AM -0400, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> You left out an Onyx as an option.  Full rack in the basement with cable
> extenders, and you could have to RE2s, and a whole heck of a lot of CPUs
> (I think the limit for Onyx is 28, but the second RE2 might cut into that
> number some) and ram.  Perfect for running postgres, quake, mp3s, latex,
> etc all at once.

the second and third RE2 go in the elusive third cardcage and has no impact on
the number of CPU/RAM boards that can be put in the RM Onyx.

> Err, you would have to use FDDI rather than FastE most likely though.  

wouldn't he want to?  i know i choose FDDI everytime there is a choice. :)

"He's hopped up on caffeine. He has the strength of ten mice."  -PVP

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