[rescue] Onyx, sparcbook, and PPro machines

James Lockwood james at foonly.com
Sat Apr 27 02:12:40 CDT 2002

On Sat, 27 Apr 2002, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:

> On Sat, 27 Apr 2002, Scott Newell wrote:
> > How did it compare to something like PC-Lint/FlexeLint?
> I never actually used SAS/C, so I can't give a firsthand account, but the
> local C guru (and the boss) swore that it was the pickiest and most
> correct compiler/verification tool they'd ever run across.  While I

I have used it (on S/390).

It was solid and fast, but a large portion of its pickiness was out of
necessity due to the significantly different architecture of the 370/390
and MVS (vs micros running Unix).  Without excessive pickiness it would
have let a lot of marginal cases "fall through".

I was favoribly impressed with the quality of code generation when I had
to hand-optimize sections of compiled code.


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