[rescue] Onyx, sparcbook, and PPro machines

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sun Apr 28 12:19:48 CDT 2002

On April 28, David Passmore wrote:
> I used SAS/C primarily on the Amiga several years ago, but I do not remember
> it being nearly as picky as MIPSpro.

  I've never seen SAS/C but I've heard it's pretty picky.

  I must admit, though, that I really like the idea of extremely picky
compilers.  They keep people "honest".  I've spent a significant
amount of time fixing other peoples' buggy code over the years...too
many people approach programming with the "I gotta show everyone how
clever I am" mindset, and it makes for nothing but headaches.

  And don't even get me started on "cleverness" in makefiles.  *shudder*


Dave McGuire                                 "Mmmm.  Big."
St. Petersburg, FL                                -Den

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