[rescue] fuck you Theo
Kurt Mosiejczuk
kurt at csh.rit.edu
Tue Apr 30 15:28:47 CDT 2002
On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Brian Hechinger wrote:
> > I would not wanna have to pay for the hosting of the FTP site to DL the
> > OpenBSD ISO's if they did exist.
> you mean the one where you can already download the bits seperately, or as one
> big ISO chunk? doesn't make much of a difference, now does it?
Not true at all. Ask someone who runs a linux distribution site which costs
more bandwidth, the individual packages or the ISOs. The ISOs are a bigger
drain because they are ALL of the packages, even the ones that you don't
use, whereas a net install pulls only what you need. Especially with OpenBSD
CDROMs, which are multi-platform bootable. So, everyone would be pulling
down 3 architectures worth of bits when they only want one.
> if there had been downloadable ISOs for me to have used last night, i would
> have bought a set of CDs even though i wouldn't need them anymore. now they
> get nothing out of me.
Then you are in the minority of users nowadays. Especially with the prevalence
of people with burners, they download the ISOs and are done. I'd love it if
Theo made ISOs available, but I understand his reasoning not to. The project
depends on the money made from CD and T-Shirt sales, and I'd wager almost
BECAUSE of everyone thinking that he's an ass, many would download ISOs
and be happy that he wasn't getting any money from them.
I do wonder if perhaps he'd be amenable to micro-boot-cds. The kind that
basically only has what is on the floppy and not much else. Perhaps that
would've helped you out with your vax.
Although, now that you mention it, the ISOs wouldn't have helped you out.
VAX is not one of the bootable architectures for 3.0. You still would've
needed to find another way to boot, even WITH the CDs.
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