[rescue] Re: Re: OH YEA??? [was: Re: Ultra?]

Chris Hedemark chris at yonderway.com
Sun Aug 4 18:00:10 CDT 2002

On Sun, 2002-08-04 at 15:29, George Adkins wrote:

> If offered a FREE U5/270, I would refuse it. (No Kidding).
> If I actually had one in my posession, I would immediately give it to someone 
> I didn't like, or to someone who would sell it to someone I didn't know.

Considering how well liked I am by y'all, feel free to dump unwanted
U5's on me.

| Rev. Chris Hedemark, DD
| Hillsborough, NC
| http://yonderway.com
| "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is 
| dressed in overalls and looks like work."
|                      Thomas A. Edison

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