[rescue] Long network paths

Tim H. lists at pellucidar.net
Tue Aug 6 07:05:02 CDT 2002

On Tue, 6 Aug 2002 15:07:40 +0300 (IDT)
"Geoffrey S. Mendelson" <gsm at bfr.co.il> wrote:

> No, what WE need you to do is to take the output of your sattelite
> receiver, compress it on the fly to something reasonable and then let
> you "friends" on the other side of the world get it over their
> internet connections.
> :-)
> Geoff.

hmmm, you got something that will let me compress it enough to stream it
out my 14.4-24 kbps dial up? :-)

Somewhere I saw a compression algorithm for files, not streaming, that
looked at the binary data and started by throwing out all the zeroes,
because they aren't worth anything anyway, then returned the number of
1s, and reiterated this until the result was only 1 bit, then threw that
out as well because it was always a 1.  Compression ratio was really
impressive, and the last iteration could always be recreated with 100%

I'm pretty sure I saw this a couple Aprils ago.

And I crossposted to geeks, cause if this thread goes any further it
definitely belongs there.


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