[rescue] FDDI in the real world babble

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Wed Aug 7 03:45:50 CDT 2002

While we're on the topic of FDDI I have a question for all you FDDI
gurus out there. Currently I'm running FDDI to most of my machines via
SAS & a concentrator. Would it make any speed difference if I replaced
all my SAS cards with DAS cards, and got rid of the concentrator? My
Lanplex 2500 is already setup for DAS, so having the ring integrated
with my ethernet stuff won't be a problem either way. Thoughts?

*PGP fingerprint= D2 4F A8 B7 13 D5 73 1E  48 99 40 99 F9 BC 74 74 *
*Email:schiller at nospam.agrijag.com \|||/    http://www.agrijag.com *
*                                  (o o)                           *

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