[rescue] Shooting yourself in the foot....

George Adkins george at webbastard.org
Thu Aug 8 00:09:10 CDT 2002

On Wednesday 07 August 2002 11:31 pm, you wrote:
> George Adkins wrote:
> > Heh, isn't it interesting that the increase in weapons technology (so to
> > speak) allows us to shoot many, many more holes in our foot these days
> > before realizing that we need to let go of the trigger...
> Hmmm...programming rules once again cross paths with life:
> http://burks.brighton.ac.uk/burks/language/shoot.htm

ha ha hah hah  ah ahh ah ah ha hah hah ha ha ha!!!!
> Unix: 
>   % ls
>   foot.c foot.h foot.o toe.c toe.o
>   % rm * .o
>   rm: .o: No such file or directory
>   % ls
>   %

how many times have we all done something like this?  That extra space is a 
bitch, isn't it...  Hey, at least it wasn't a   .*


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