[rescue] Re: [geeks] No Flame Bait..

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Mon Aug 12 17:34:42 CDT 2002

On Mon, 12 Aug 2002, Kevin Lee wrote:

> you want end user feedback ok...

First off, this thread doesn't belong on rescue at . Keep/move it to geeks,

Second off, you've stated your thoughts on the Emac several times and it's
getting a bit stale. If this is a work-up to your Wall Street Journal
piece, then frankly I pity the journalism world. So far you've got no hard
facts, all gossip, and you just sound like another pissy user who happened
to get a lemon. Oh well. Don't buy another one.

> I just spent 1300 dollars on a new mac and it blew up after a week.

So take it back, get a refund.

> In addition I have spoke to 8 other emac owners that have had
> similar problems.

8 people does not constitute a major problem in manufacturing.

> Apple is creating a scandal by not replacing,
> but just offering to repair them.

Why should they replace them if only a simple repair would do? It's more
cost-conscious to repair than to replace. Simple economics tells you that.
Oh wait, you just write about the economy..you don't actually suffer from

> One poor soul has had 3 new Emacs in the last 1 month and all have gone
> bad.....

Gee, you'd think the dumbass would buy a different computer if his
experience was so poor. But nooo...

> There are over 300+ postings on the Apple Discussion Forums
> about people and their defective Emacs. Apple has really blown it
> with their Quality Control this time.

I seriously doubt they've blown anything. In my experience, Apple's been
great about replacing or repairing anything.

You said before that there is an apparent difference between Emacs made in
China vs. Wherever. Fine, perhaps it's a third party manufacturing issue
that can easily be remedied. For all you know it already has.

> I am currently writing an Article for the Wall Street Journal and
> a couple of other Computer Magazines in regards to APPLE REPAIR.

Oh real good. That'll do a hell of a lot of good for the economy and the
stock market. So your little bitchfest hits the Journal and the next thing
you know, the tech stocks slide even further due to more misinformation
and useless blather. Layoffs occur, people get thrown out of their homes
'cause they can't find another job...thanks a lot in advance, Mr.

> Apple was just awarded highest user satisfaction marks for computer
> support too last week.  A little funny, one week they are supposed to
> be the best the next week they are SCREWING PEOPLE....

Doubtful. Face it, you just happened to buy a lemon and now you're stuck
with it. So sorry.

Lastly, this is your *one* reminder to take this off rescue@ and move it
permanently to geeks at .


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