[rescue] 170MHz IPC?

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Mon Aug 12 22:27:12 CDT 2002

On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 11:20:52PM -0400, Chris Hedemark wrote:
> Good eye.  The guy did indeed get them from Millersville.  He's been
> really confused trying to figure out what the heck he bought.  Thanks
> for the ID.

Well, I could be wrong about them being Cyclone boards.  I just remeber
someone saying that's what they were.  But they definately were some
sort of drop in replacement 3rd party motherboard.  Me, being a lowly
student that didn't find the proper types of favor from staff people,
was only allowed a user account with a few measly megs on it (kinda like
now actually, but on a linux machine instead of a solaris one).  I am so
tired of school.  Nobody takes you seriously.  I never have time to play
with my toys at home.  Life sucks.

Joshua D. Boyd

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