[rescue] Good day's grabs
Lionel Peterson
lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 16 01:30:20 CDT 2002
"Hard" and"Lap" only leads to one place in my mind, well, that is until
I read your post.
Now I know people really do put their computers in their laps (link to
those *disturbing* "man humps server" pictures not provided here ;^)
Come on, your post was simply too easy!
Back on topic, I read a review by David Pouge of the Apple Ti PowerBook
that started off with a line that went something like this:
"Please dont ask about the burns on the tops of my thighs, but Ilove
the new Ti PowerBook"
He took the unit on a recent "Geek Cruise" (beginning of the year?)...
--- "Tim H." <lists at pellucidar.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Aug 2002 18:21:23 -0700 (PDT)
> Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > I know compaq laptops are no longer intended to be used on a lap,
> > > they inhale through the bottom, if you set them on a non-hard
> > > surface they suffocate. My older armada inhaled on top and seems
> to
> > > handle being used on soft surfaces much better.
> >
> > I belive there are many possible jokes in that statement:
> >
> > "What if your compaq laptop *keeps* your lap hard, could it be used
> on
> > your lap?" ;^)
> >
> > "Older armada" is just too easy...
> >
> > Lionel
> Now that I reread that, I should have known better. How about
> "device
> that controls heat by massaging the cooling fluid (air) in a circular
> repetitive patern, until it squirts out the orifice at the end of the
> heat exchanger passage"
> You guys just read sex into everything.
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