[rescue] looking for used old-school UNIX books

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 18 17:29:15 CDT 2002

speaking of algorithims - When I started programming (a million years
ago!) I got a copy of Donald E. Knuth "Programming" series (about $100
+/-, back in 1985 that was real money!)...

Great books, highly recommended for those interested in such things...


--- Scott Newell <newell at cei.net> wrote:
> >All the "good" stuff is getting flooded out by "MCSE IN A WEEK" type
> >crap.
> No joke.  Hamiltonbooks is listing "Introduction to Algorithms"
> (Cormen,
> Leiserson, and Rivest) for $14.95.  I think it's one edition behind
> current, but I'm not positive.


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